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Components lifecycle

This page explains when the onChange, onAccept, and onClose callbacks are called.

Fields lifecycle

On simple fields

The field components have an internal state controlling the visible value.

It will only call the onChange callback when:

  • the user fills one section of an empty field. The value equals Invalid date.
  • the user completes all sections of a field. The value reflects the field.
  • the user cleans one section of a completed field. The value equals Invalid date.
  • the user cleans all sections of a field. The value equals null.

The example below shows the last value received by onChange.

Value: null

On range fields

On range fields (SingleInputDateRangeField / MultiInputDateRangeField / ... ), onChange is called if the date you are modifying is matching one of the conditions above, regardless of the other date state.

The example below shows the last value received by onChange. Note how changing the value of the start date section will call onChange even if the end date is empty or partially filled.

Value: 04/17/2022 – null

Pickers lifecycle

When is onClose called?

When the last view is completed

When a selection in the last view is made, onClose will be called only if the closeOnSelect prop is equal to true. By default, it is set to true on desktop and false on mobile.

Here are a few examples:

  • <DesktopDatePicker />
    • Default views prop: ['year', 'day']
    • Default closeOnSelect prop: true

    Behavior: The picker will close when selecting the day.

  • <DesktopDatePicker closeOnSelect={false} />
    • Default views prop: ['year', 'day']
    • Explicit closeOnSelect prop: false

    Behavior: The picker won't close when selecting a day. The user will have to click on the OK action to close it.

  • <MobileDatePicker />
    • Default views prop: ['year', 'day']
    • Default closeOnSelect prop: false

    Behavior: The picker won't close when selecting a day. The user will have to click on the OK action to close it.

  • <DesktopDatePicker views={['day', 'month', 'year']} />
    • Explicit views prop: ['day', 'month', 'year']
    • Default closeOnSelect prop: true

    Behavior: The picker will close when selecting the year.

  • <DesktopTimePicker />
    • Default views prop: ['hours', 'minutes'] (plus a meridiem view if the locale is in 12-hours format)
    • Default closeOnSelect prop: true

    Behavior: The picker will close when selecting the minutes or meridiem (if a 12-hour clock is used).

When the picker is manually closed

Pressing Escape or clicking outside the picker will close the picker.

When a value is selected using the action bar

Clicking on any built-in button of the action bar will close the picker.

When a shortcut is picked

Clicking on a shortcut will close the picker, except if the changeImportance property has been set to "set" instead of the default value "accept". You can find more information in the dedicated doc section.

When is onChange called?

When the field calls onChange

When editing your value through the input(s) of your field, the picker will just re-publish the onChange callback. Take a look at the dedicated section for more information.

When the user interacts with the view

If the component is controlled (i.e: if it has a value prop), clicking on a value will call onChange if the value to publish is different from the current value (e.g: clicking on the already selected day in the day view will not call onChange).

If the component is not controlled, the behavior is the same, except if no value has ever been published, in which case clicking on the current value will fire onChange (e.g: clicking on the already selected day in the day view will call onChange if onChange has never been called before).

Some views can decide not to call onChange for some value modifications. The most common example is the mobile time views (using the TimeClock component). The onChange is only fired once when the dragging (touching) of the clock hand ends even though the UI updates on each position change.

When a value is selected using the action bar

If the component is controlled (i.e: if it has a value prop), clicking on any built-in actions will call onChange if the value to publish is different from the current value.

If the component is not controlled, the behavior is the same, except for the Clear, Today, and OK actions that will call onChange if no value has ever been published, even if the current value equals the value to publish.

When a shortcut is picked

Clicking on a shortcut will call onChange. You can find more information in the dedicated doc section.

When is onAccept called?

When the last view is completed

When a selection in the last view is made, onAccept will be called only if the closeOnSelect prop is equal to true and the value has been modified since the last time onAccept was called. By default, closeOnSelect, is set to true on desktop and false on mobile.

Here are a few examples:

  • <DesktopDatePicker />
    • Default views prop: ['year', 'day']
    • Default closeOnSelect prop: true

    Behavior: The picker will call onAccept when selecting the day.

  • <DesktopDatePicker closeOnSelect={false} />
    • Default views prop: ['year', 'day']
    • Explicit closeOnSelect prop: false

    Behavior: The picker won't call onAccept when selecting a value.

  • <DesktopDatePicker views={['day', 'month', 'year']} />
    • Explicit views prop: ['day', 'month', 'year']
    • Default closeOnSelect prop: true

    Behavior: The picker will call onAccept when selecting the year.

  • <DesktopTimePicker />
    • Default views prop: ['hours', 'minutes'] (plus a meridiem view if the locale is in 12-hours format)
    • Default closeOnSelect prop: true

    Behavior: The picker will call onAccept when selecting the minutes or meridiem (if a 12-hour clock is used).

When the picker is manually closed

When the user presses Escape or clicks outside the picker, onAccept is called with:

  • the current value, if the last view has been completed
  • the last accepted value, if the last view has not been completed

When a value is selected using the action bar

If the component is controlled (i.e: if it has a value prop), clicking on any built-in actions will call onAccept if the value to publish is different from the current value.

If the component is not controlled, the behavior is the same, except for the Clear, Today, and OK actions that will call onAccept if no value has ever been published, even if the current value equals the value to publish.

When a shortcut is picked

Clicking on a shortcut will call onAccept, except if the changeImportance property has been set to "set" instead of "accept". You can find more information in the dedicated doc section.

Classic scenarios

DatePicker on desktop

Controlled DesktopDatePicker: basic usage

<DesktopDatePicker value={value} onChange={(newValue) => setValue(newValue)} />

Action n°1: Opening the picker

  • Opens the picker on the day view

Action n°2: Clicking on a day

  • Fires onClose (and closes the picker if the open prop is not controlled)
  • Fires onChange with the selected day (keeps the time of the previous value)
  • Fires onAccept with the selected day (keeps the time of the previous value)

Controlled DesktopDatePicker: picking year, month and day

  onChange={(newValue) => setValue(newValue)}
  views={['year', 'month', 'day']}

Action n°1: Opening the picker

  • Opens the picker on the day view

Action n°2: Switch to the year view on the header

Action n°3: Clicking on a year

  • Fires onChange with the selected year (keeps the month, date and time of the previous value)
  • Moves to the month view

Action n°4: Clicking on a month

  • Fires onChange with the selected month (keeps the date and time of the previous value)
  • Moves to the day view

Action n°4: Clicking on a day

  • Fires onClose (and closes the picker if the open prop is not controlled)
  • Fires onChange with the selected day (keeps the time of the previous value)
  • Fires onAccept with the selected day (keeps the time of the previous value)

DatePicker on mobile

Controlled MobileDatePicker: basic usage

<MobileDatePicker value={value} onChange={(newValue) => setValue(newValue)} />

Action n°1: Opening the picker

  • Opens the picker on the day view

Action n°2: Clicking on a day

  • Fires onChange with the selected day (keeps the time of the previous value)

Action n°3: Clicking on the OK action

  • Fires onClose (and closes the picker if the open prop is not controlled)
  • Fires onAccept with the selected day (keeps the time of the previous value)

Only update for valid values

The onChange callback receives a 2nd parameter (context object) containing the validation error associated with the current value. If you want to update your state only when the value is valid, you can ignore any onChange call with a non-null validationError.

In the example below, onChange will only be called if the date is valid and its year is 2022:

Value: null

Press Enter to start editing

Server interaction

If the selected value is used to interact with the server, you might want to avoid sending all the intermediate states.

Especially if the user is setting the date using the keyboard arrow interaction.

In such a case, the recommended UI is to add a button for validating the form. If for some reason, you need to send the data to the server without having the user pressing a validation button, you can debounce the onChange as follows.

The following demo shows how to extend the Date Field component by adding an onAccept prop, which is a debounced version of onChange. You can find more information about the onAccept prop in the dedicated doc section.

